how... halloween-ish.
i went to the kitchen at work to refill my water (which reminds me... i seem to have neglected to do that... and i left my kanteen in the kitchen... i'll get to that when i finish this post), and i ran into this little guy:

(sorry for the crappy image quality--taken with my cell phone)
i'll admit that i let out an "eep" at first. he was shockingly large (for an indoor spider), and right next to my foot! but isn't he cute and fuzzy? okay, you can't see the fuzziness in the photo, but i promise you... he was fuzzy like a cuddly thing. anyway, i was half tempted to keep him as a pet and call him my halloween mascot... but i don't like halloween. and i don't know how to care for a spider. nor do i have room for another pet.
i released him into the wild.
now... about that water...
also, when i was running around the office with him (i had to show people!), he had a terrible time standing still. apparently the plastic window of the cd sleeve was too slick for him. he just slid adorably from side to side. poor thing had to suffer for my amusement.