Thursday, December 17, 2009

oh, but the legs...

I just saw a few pictures of designed rooms, and apparently legged furniture makes a room look bigger. Furniture that obscures the floor below it makes it seem as if the floor goes *around* that piece of furniture, while furniture with legs hovers quietly above the floor. The room is just as (or nearly as) big as if the furniture had not entered or existed.

This might be a psychological trick, but it also might be an optical illusion. After all, your eye cannot discern floor you can walk in from floor you can't access. Your brain can, of course (I hope?), but your eye can't.

Also, as an added benefit, small animals (I'm looking at you, chinchillas) can't hide under furniture with a cavernous underbelly. They can only put themselves On Display.

I'm not sure why I posted this here, other than not wanting to forget what I've just learned.


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