sixteen candles down the drain...
yeah, sponge is on the dc101 webcast, again. because they play old music when the broadcast is on commercial.
anyway... i've strayed off the point of the blog for a while... it's for my ranting! outlet and whatnot. so...
there's something called the roomer here. it's a rdp publication (now "student services") that they put up in the dorm. in the bathroom. facing you when you're sitting on the toilet.
so i've been forced to read this every time i do my business in the dorm... and it gets old real fast. but that's not even what i'm ranting about.
so... there's this block of it about the training rooms in the dorms... available 24-7, whenever dorms are open for occupation... available at the swipe of a card...
okay, okay... so we can get into the rooms with our cards 24-7... that does us no good if we can't get into the damn dorm that the room is in. so unless you live in a dorm with a room, you have to be in there by 10. mmhmm... real thought out there, people.
and then... the damn blurb ends in "work out or train whenever you want, wherever you want. the choice is YOURS!" apart from the fact that it's really not my choice (see above)... who the hell writes like that? someone watched too much captain planet ("the power is YOURS!").
and speaking of bad writing... i picked up a ct today, and on the front page, there was a story about a "9-twelve month water improvement planning process." umm... apart from this being a backwards 1-digit rule (isn't 9 supposed to be spelled out and 12 supposed to be numerical? meaning... if one is supposed to be spelled and the other isn't... it really should be the other way around), isn't consistency the only across-the board rule that you have to use? if not in the same document, in the same sentence. if 9-12 looked too shorthandish, why the hell would 9-twelve be a logical coice? it doesn't even make sense! it implies 12-month somethings, and that there are 9 of them. if you're going to break the consistency rule, i'd hope you'd at least say nine to 12. or, in their case, 9 to twelve. but no.
new topic. the weather. it's beautiful. okay, that's not a rant. but in blacksburg, weather like this brings out two things... flowers and girls and bikinis. still not convinced it's a bad thing? the flowers smell like ass, and a good chunk of the girls... should not be wearing bikinis. plus, then it's hot outside and cold inside, which makes dressing rather strange. it's better when you wear more clothes walking than sitting, 'cause at least then you can put the extra layers down. when it's the other way around... well, you get the idea.
and the last topic of the day is... the death of pope john paul ii. oooooh my god. whose idea was it to cover it every waking second of every day? even the school's flags are drooping for it.
okay, they're drooping for him... but the fact of the matter is, i was channel surfing (on not the day he died), and in the course of about four seconds, i went through five channels... and heard about the pope on each channel. granted these are the news channels, but... isn't there something else that they could be reporting? i mean... not that it's not a big story... but... there are other things going on in the world. everybody already knows that he's dead, and you're not telling us anything new... so stop beating the damn dead horse.
who invented haribo cola bottles, and how do i show appreciation?