sudden increase in nostalgia == brain tumor?
nostalgia is everywhere for me lately. cause of the current episode? beets.
my entire life, i've only had beats from one place: middle earth. i realize now how lucky i am to have gone there.
of course, at the time, i didn't appreciate how great the place was. great food, from scratch. second helpings if you want them, but only if you've finished everything else. i ate my beats. sometimes, i ate my beats just so i could have more green beans. (man do i love proper green beans...)
we had tornado drills. they took us to the zoo. we practiced evacuating from the second-story (first-and-a-half? i believe it was a split-level) window via an evacuation slide (how cool is that?! i doubt that would be allowed today. what, with the risk of a child breaking his/her arm and the ensuing lawsuit...).
... and i've forgotten where i was going with this post. it would have been poignant, i'm sure. the langoliers have taken a liking to my gray matter.
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