Monday, December 12, 2005

we're riding along
(with a song of a wintery fairy land)

well it's 3am
i'm out here riding again
through the wicked winding streets of my world
i make a wrong turn, brake it; now i'm too far gone
i got a siren on my tail and that ain't the fine i'm looking for

i see a stairway so i follow it down
into the belly of a whale where my secrets echo all around
you know me now, but to do better than that
you've got to follow me
boy i'm tryin' to show you where i'm at

hey pretty
don't you wanna take a ride with me
through my world?


hey now
can't you feel me longing
hey now
can't you feel me
feel me now


so road time has become my main respite. i'm hoping snowboarding will put the goofy grin on my face. 'cause if it doesn't... i don't know what else to turn to.

i don't deserve a car. i've had everything handed to me all my life, and now... no. i really shouldn't take it. still don't know if i will, but i really shouldn't. but i just don't think i'm that strong.

maybe the offer will be rescinded. things would be easier if it were...

but i want that gli. it's funny... before break, the a3 was top on my list. did all the driving... gli. gli. but the a3 is still more "practical." and most people that matter (except mike, danny-i think, and mck) suggest i pick the a3 over the gli...

again... if the offer's rescinded...


now, to avoid ending on that note...

christmas party!

friday night was prep night. i made bailey's gelatin. turned out like mousse. thicker than it should have been... so if i do it again, either i'm doing with with o'mara's, or i'm gonna use more bailey's to the gelatin. either way, it was delicious.

rick made cherry-goldschlager and margarita (with tequila) shots. i didn't get to try them after they set, but in their liquid form, they were great.

a cat ran into the apartment while the door was open... and mike calmed it down, picked it up, took out outside... and brought it back in. apparently it was scared of the people outside. so then mike put it in the storage closet in the hallway, and we went back to preparing for the party...

jungle juice was so much fun to make. slicing up the oranges, then emptying bottles (and bottles and bottles) into the rubbermaid container, and then dropping orange slices into the mixture (or in tom's case, *dropping* them into the mixture).

we also wrapped the beer pong table (the closet door) in wrapping paper. tom's idea, i think. two pieces were perfect--met exactly in the middle. but... to get to the table, we had to go into the closet. yes, the closet with the cat in it.

we'd gone into the closet a few times to get random things (like tape), so the cat was slightly unhappy with us already... okay, not really, i think it was all my fault...

mike and tom lifted the table out of the closet, which meant that someone else had to hold the cat--me. since i'm so short... when mike handed me the cat... it was up near my neck... and then it tried to crawl over my shoulder. so then i tried to bring the cat lower... and ended up turning it upside down. it didn't like that, so it started flailing... too bad it's feral and it had all its claws... by the time mike came back to get the cat, i had it pulled out away from my body, and my right arm was completely clawed up.

mike took the cat back to clover valley and let it loose there. by the time i got home, my arm was infected. guess it doesn't help that i'm allergic to cats...

saturday night, matt and i picked up the keg, dropped it off, helped ice the keg and jungle juice, and went to bernat's. we watched mr. and mrs. smith, and then walked over to the party. it had already been going on for a couple of hours by the time we got there, but that was alright...

by the time we got there, mike had put up a sign that said "please respect the jungle juice, or it will not be a merry christmas." hmm... foreshadowing.

most people were still pretty sober when we got there... matt and bernat played a round of jungle juice pong... i got passed over for my turn... poop. oh well. it's not like they'd be too pleased to play me if i were drinking sparkling grape juice anyway...

tom was a funny drunk... took a sip of my grape juice... "this is..." <smacks lips> "zero percent alcohol!" will was funny, too. EVERYBODY was humping him.

i've learned rick's drunk signs... but i wasn't good enough to stop him before it was too late. i don't know mike's drunk signs at all. i let him drive home drunk. i am a horrible sober friend. i should be taken outside and shot.

i did, however, drive a lot of people home. hummer didn't show up, so i became unofficial dd (matt was pretty much sober the entire party, but he did drink and puke, so i did all the driving). three freshmen to pritchard, one girl to sturbridge, one to university place, two guys to university terrace. i put my hand up at the guys getting out of the car, and the guy slapped three dollars into my hand. gas money... like it takes three dollars to get there.

i didn't put my hand out for money...

wow... i must be in a dark mood. i guess i can't end on a lighter note for this post.

deal with it.


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