Tuesday, November 22, 2005

i... uh...

test drove the a3 today. i did a horrible thing. we will not speak of it.

the a3 drives much smoother than the gli. to be expected, i suppose, considering it's a luxury car. it's also got the torque for hill climbing at low rpm, but somehow is simultaneously missing a bit off the line (maybe 'cause i was scared of pushing it? i noticed it with both the manual and the dsg--more on that later). it held its line way more than i expected. bit right into the road. same brakes as before.

unfortunately, when i think "smooth," i think muddy. in the same family, i guess. it's not like it's not responsive... it's just... buffered...

i should explain that word 'cause i keep using it and i don't think that's normal. it's kinda like... when you do something stupid, like punch the accelerator, and the car saves you, so you you don't get whiplash from it... that's what i call buffered. if you stomp down and keep your foot there, it'll accelerate. you know, 'caused it's all smooth. and smoothed.

yeah, i'm a bit of a control freak. i want to be the one to keep the car from doing stupid things... and if i do stupid things, i want the car to let me know about it. how else am i supposed to learn?

i'm gonna make a bunch of cookie dough (and some cookies) tonight, and tomorrow night, we'll make a lot of dumplings at home. hopefully, i'll be taking some cookie dough back to the 'burg with me... and there can be cookies on demand!


so maybe stalling the gli wasn't my fault...
he is a professional.


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