bad news for any blog fans i have left...
i've started a knitting blog. this could be good or bad for this blog... i don't know if it'll take all the time i would have taken to blog here, or if it'll inspire me to sit down at blogger more often, therefore making me blog here more often.
while i'm here, though, i'd like to mention two things. about cars i've seen on the road lately.
there's a douche driver that has a myspace url pasted on both sides of his car. i saw him on 66 on the way home, and it was ridiculous. he was weaving through traffic at 95, he was hitting his brakes and going 60 in he left lane, next to other cars (to flash his myspace, perhaps?). oh, and it sounded like he punched a hole in his muffler.
i also saw some middle-aged asian lady driving a volvo today who couldn't stay in her own lane. and stopped a full 40-50 feet behind the car in front of her at a light. and, somehow, tried turning into a parking lot where there was no entrance (as in... she almost turned into the curb). she eventually swerved back to the normal part of the road, and turned where she was supposed to, but...
how do these people get licenses?
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