Wednesday, May 31, 2006

we belong to an elite group...

of drivers.

okay, maybe not. but there's something about seeing another mkv gli that gives us the warm fuzzies (or, in my case, the giggly squealies).

so i get home today, and matt informs me that he saw a black gli on his way back from costco (at the light on piney branch to get onto 29). with visions. with the license plate "sly mk5."


i've squealed at seeing sly mk5 on 50 before... pointed him out, made a fuss... like seeing a celebrity. does he count as a vortex celeb? maybe...

but, at the time, matt still drove the neon. in fact, i don't even know if i had my gli when it happened. the point is, matt didn't care. i was just weird easily excited (as i tend to be).

this time, matt still didn't know who sly mk5 was. it was just something for him to take note of. because, this time, it was his car. black, lowered, but a gli. like him.

and it's not an elite group... but we're a cohesive group just the same (in the world of my head). driving a gli doesn't make you my friend, but it does earn you a lingering gaze as you go by me, or as i go by you. does it demand respect from me? not exactly. i'll hold you to a higher standard. i'll hold a higher initial opinion of you, but doing putzy things (like driving slow in the fast lane, or passing quickly, and then moving over and holding up the cars you just passed) will draw more hate than, say, a corolla or a taxi (the main offenders!) doing the same.

i love my car. i *love* my car. i feel extremely lucky to be able to enjoy my commute.

and, in case you're wondering, yes, i love my configuration of choice. the only gripe i have is that i couldn't have gotten the plaid on the better seats (like you can outside the usa). but that's not something i could have helped.


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