Thursday, July 28, 2005

they say romance is dead...

the problem with a love story... is that it makes real life seem less magical. situations so perfect will never present themselves in real life... for most people. and love stories create an unrealistic expectation that you'll be lucky enough to be one of the few that get to live a fairy tale. because you deserve it... right?

i type this as chi-chi sits on my lap (and there she goes). i've come to realize that she'll come to me (crawl into my arms from matt's arms), but not the other way around. even though i'm the one that reprimands her more often. she'll come sit on either lap, though.

it was cute. matt picked her up tonight, and when i wanted to get her, i opened myself up to her and let her come to me. so i said something about it to matt, and he tried the same thing... no success. she backed away from him. but he pulled her toward his chest, and pretended that it worked. i tried again, and she came to me again. matt tried it again... and she buried her face in my hand. guess whose baby she is =D

(and she just walked over the keyboard without typing in the blog!)

who knew i would love a rodent?


update: chi-chi was being bad. she wouldn't stop trying to pull the blanket out from under the couch (so she could get under it), so i had to pick her up from there (she was ignoring "no"). twice. second time, i try to give matt the opportunity to be her rescuer. she still wouldn't go to him. he took her. she still came back to me.

i'd hung her upside down by her tail (that's how you pick her up when she's not gonna let you pick her up... like when she's being bad) twice, and she still would rather be on me than him.

i hope we don't lose that bond when i'm gone...


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