Saturday, July 23, 2005

while i was out...

my away message last night:
so... i'm coming home, and i find out... matt walked home from pretty much the beltway because the bus he was on... rear-ended a lady.

matt: "don't fuck with me, bitch"
<strikes pose>
<pants fall down>
<picks up pants and tries to pretend nothing happened>
(i should probably mention that these were the pants he pulled out of the dryer, not pants he was wearing)

my away message now:

i thought it was the man's job to erradicate the bugs (in this case, a wasp), and it was the girl's job to stand back and be scared.

we always knew we were different...

(remember: i'm the one that got 4-5 wasp stings--at one time--on the neck as a kid)


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