Tuesday, June 29, 2004

boobs need clothes too!

okay, okay, maybe mine don't, but i'd prefer not to go bra-less anyway. so... went bra shopping today, and... the softcup is dead. everything either has a wire in it, or is padded, or both... or paper-thin. and even worse, there are bras that are made so that the top of the cup comes into your body at a nearly 90 degree angle. okay, so i'm exaggerating, but still... i can't imagine how that would be flattering on anybody. at all. or comfortable, for that matter. uuugh...

anyway, so i've decided that i need to abandon the "no false advertising" policy altogether. appended "except for when wearing dresses" a while ago... 'cause, well, most dresses look horrible without boobs. especially since i'm not tall enough to be leggy... well anyway... it's now impossible to buy bras that don't boost volume that aren't paper-thin. and i can't wear a paper-thin bra. and not 'cause of the size (or lack of size ;p) issue... um... yeah... moving on...

michael got me this wooden bead choker while they were on vacation last week. he's got a matching one, but the bead part on his is a lot shorter (he wears it so that the beads end before it goes around his neck, so there's a lot of black string showing. it's kinda cool, really). actually i think it's shorter in general, too, but he wears it longer than i do. it's so weird... definitely not something i would go and buy on my own, but i've worn it every day since he gave it to me. well, i didn't wear it to work today, but i'm wearing it now (don't ask me why... i'm not even sure). and we match =D

i hate that i have allergies now... i never had 'em before... it's annoying...

yeah, so tomorrow, intern lunch at chipotle's, thanks to josh =] well, maybe thanks to me accusing him of being antisocial ;p but hey, if he had plans with his girl last time, i'm not gonna hold it against him... i was just joshin' (ha! i'm so funny...)

and, and, and, <grrrrrr...> i can't believe they canceled the intern bbq without telling us why! it's so... sudden. and cong is still under the impression that it's happening because lance and ulyssees are mean and i can't ruin the joke.

i've had brain and it wasn't us stuck in my head all day. "it wasn't us" probably isn't all that appealing in writing, but... the second verse of "brain" just tickles me pink (not sure why i used that phrase, but that's how it's coming out in my head... <shrugs>) ;p and i'm not exactly the target audience for something like that...

and ps: we finished the modem racking today =] well, i did. the guys redid coax superstructure. i finished last =( gotta relabel stuff tomorrow (take off post-its and replace with real labels... yeah...)

pps: (i'll stop eventually; i promise) yeah, so coffee today... had caffeinated hazelnut. as opposed to the decaf hazelnut from yesterday. mmm... didn't seem to give me a headache or anything, so... we'll see. that machine will be the end of me...

actually, i don't think i've said anything about the machine yet. okay, we have this one-cup-at-a-time coffee machine at work that brews from k-cups (as if anybody who hasn't seen the machine knows what that is...) you put a sealed k-cup in there (think... sealed small plastic cup, about the size of a ketchup dipping thing), put a cup under the spout, and push a button... voila! coffee! and there are 8 or 10 types of coffee to choose from (i'm obviously not going to choose a dark or light roast, so i'm not going through that many different types, but still... it's lots), so... yeah... coffee for merc. world, watch out. withdrawls will ensue.


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