i guess cheating on letterman (on national tv) was just the beginning...
first he cancels his interview on letterman's show, saying that he has to rush back to washington. now, he would have been proven to be lying by public record alone , but then he attends an interview with katie couric at pretty much the same time and place the original interview was to have taken place. then he putzes around ny for another evening and night, not leaving new york until the next morning.
then, having "suspended" his campaign for this monumentally important task, his campaign accidentally leaks a post-debate ad, before he even announced that he would be *attending* the debate. while this is a tactic apparently ripped from kerry's playbook, mccain's version is slightly worse in that 1) his campaign isn't even well-run enough to do it properly (i.e. release the ad *after* the debate), and 2) the ad had to have been prepared before it was released, which means that it was being prepared when he supposedly wasn't attending the debate.
now this.
so apparently... he had to suspend his campaign and rush back to washington because he couldn't simply "phone in," but then just makes phone calls from 1) home and 2) campaign headquarters (instead of going to, say, capitol hill)?
does he think we're stupid, or is he trying to be funny?
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