Monday, February 14, 2005

valentine's day? we are not amused...

okay, to set the record straight... i'm not bitter. or maybe i am, but i still have valid reasons not to like valentine's day...

if your relationship is one that you need a special holiday to do/get something special... then you're in trouble. even if you're not in that situation... what if you forget? you could be the most loving significant other for the rest of the year... bring random presents, do random happy things... and if you forget valentine's day? you're screwed. "my friend's boyfriend brought her 18 long stem roses and a teddy bear... and you brought me a sandwich?" never mind that the friend's boyfriend never does anything for the friend, and that the sandwich is her favorite lunch and had nothing to do with valentine's day... the guy's in trouble.

and for that matter... a girl can get mad at a guy for not doing/getting anything, but the girl isn't really expected to do anything. i mean, lots do... but if a chick doesn't, the guy has no right to get mad. that may be more of a societal issue than a valentine's issue, but it still makes me mad.

and here's the other thing. hopeless romantics that happen to be single on valentine's day... hope for things. the amount of hope that comes from valentine's day can't possibly be met by the amount of relationships that actually form on/from valentine's day. these poor people sit around all day hoping to receive something--anything. you've seen it before. in high school, they were the girls that left that day sad, with no flowers, wistfully watching the girls with armfulls of flowers walk by. they were the guys that came to school with flowers, and left with no flowers, and no girlfriend. there's no magic to valentine's day. there's no magic fairy dust. (yeah, yeah... to me, faeries are little winged mischievous (maybe more than mischievous) things, while fairies are happy little winged things... you know, the little princesses type of thing.)

what i will give the day, though, is that it helps some shy, quiet people grow the balls to do something about a crush... and i mean girls and guys...

but... look what i got for valentine's day...

even better, look at it with the panda =]

they're alive!


oh... so i got this spam today... nevermind that i don't have a penis to enlarge or anything like that... but why is the cucumber that's supposed to represent a penis... sicking out of a girl's pants?


i'm on facebook now, and it's weird... i haven't gone and added any friends, so my friends list is somewhat... strange. as much as i love jenn... i really doubt i would have thought to search for her to add. and i definitely wouldn't've thought to add cruise. maybe it'll make more sense if i ever get around to adding people...

but then there's the problem of... where do you draw the line? i mean... what's the difference between a friend... someone you used to know... and someone you recognize? because of that, i may never get around to adding friends... people will just have to add me. blech.


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