Monday, June 14, 2004


i'm at work now, with the fuzziest monitor i've ever seen (probably swap it out later... will need help for that, though, 'cause i'm a weak little girl, and i don't have a key to the storage room...) until then, i'm ruining my eyes...

don't listen to matt; he lies. *i* cooked dinner friday night. he just chopped up half of the carrots and half of the peppers (yes, half. maybe more of the carrots, but i'm sure i chopped half of the peppers... plus, i halved and cleaned all of them, so... he didn't even do half of that...), and washed some of the napa. oh! and he cooked the rice. that's always his job, 'cause i don't do long grain... mmhmm. but that made me burn the napa (napa got uncentered on the front burner when he put the rice on the back burner... and it wasn't even cooking!), so... yeah... *i* cooked! matt put rice on water (and mismeasured, at that... ended up making the entire box of rice), and put it on the stove. mmhmm...

on a side note... frozen meat is so much easier to work with than frozen-then-thawed meat. that pork was the ugliest i'd ever cut in my life... fat strips, thin strips, kinda-chunks... yeah, at least it all tastes like pork...


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